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Execution Stages

How the execution stages work in DevZero.


Recipes have three execution stages that you can customize:

  1. Build-time: when recipe is getting saved, after validation.
  2. Launch-time: when a workspace is being launched from a recipe.
  3. Run-time: when a workspace is running (your active coding, app runtime environment)

Irrespective of the stage, command blocks will be executed in the order in which they are specified in the recipe.

Execution stages (difference between built- and launch-time)


This stage should be used when caching of the build is helpful, i.e., pre-builds. Our builder uses the YAML specification to create container images that are then run as workspaces, the build images are layered and cached to improve subsequent workspace launch times.

Each command block can be thought of as a layer in a Docker image. They are wrapped in a script and executed within a bash context. In case directory is specified:

  • if absolute, it will be used
  • if relative, it will be relative to /home/devzero
  • if unspecified, it will default to /home/devzero

name is used to help reference and understand what is being achieved in a command block.

When invoking binaries, its always best-practice to reference them by their absolute paths. For example, /usr/local/go/bin/go instead of go. This relates to the following warning block.

Environment variable set by calling export are not going to be available in subsequent command blocks. To use them in subsequent blocks, either write to some file, or to /etc/environment. Please see the previous info section for more ways to better utilize this.

While recipe builds are cached, updating a lower layer (eg: the first step in your build steps) will cause the cache to get invalidated for all future steps. Therefore, if you edit step 1 in a 5-step recipe, steps 2, 3, 4 and 5 will get rebuilt. If you just edit step 5, the previous steps will be served out of the cache.

Here's an example of some build-time steps:

version: "3"
    - type: apt-get
        ["curl", "gnupg", "software-properties-common", "tar", "unzip", "zip"]
    # install NVM
    - type: command
      command: |
        curl -o- | bash
        export NVM_DIR=$HOME/.nvm && [ -s $NVM_DIR/ ] && \. $NVM_DIR/
        nvm install 21.0.0
        echo '. $HOME/.nvm/' >> $HOME/.bashrc
        echo '. $HOME/.nvm/' >> $HOME/.zshrc
        npm install --global yarn
    # install Docker
    - type: apt-get
      packages: ["docker-ce", "docker-ce-cli", ""]
        - key_url:
    - type: command
      command: |
        sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
        sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
        groupadd docker || true
        usermod -aG docker devzero
        mkdir -p /home/devzero/.docker
        newgrp docker
        chown devzero:devzero /home/devzero/.docker -R
        chmod g+rwx /home/devzero/.docker -R
        systemctl enable docker.service
        systemctl enable containerd.service
      directory: /home/devzero
      user: root

For more examples, see check the build commands in our starter-templates.


  • Users in your team don't need to wait for workspaces to build.
  • Users in your team want to start with workspaces that are already configured with golden paths.

Code block in a recipe


These steps are run using systemctl units at launch-time. Command blocks will be executed in the order in which they are specified in the recipe.

The launch block is used for commands to be executed as launch-time steps.

Other than that, the same rules from the Build-time stage apply.

Here's an example of some launch-time steps:

    - type: command
      command: |
        systemctl start docker
      directory: /home/devzero
      user: root
    - type: command
      command: |
        systemctl start postgresql.service
        echo 'postgres     ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL' | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/100-postgres
        sudo -u postgres bash -c "psql -c \"CREATE USER pguser WITH PASSWORD 'test1234';\""
        sudo -u postgres createdb testdb -O pguser
      directory: /home/devzero
      user: root

Code block in a recipe

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