
Gitpod vs. Codespaces: How to Choose

Gitpod vs Codespaces

Jethro Magaji

October 8, 2024

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Developers are always looking for ways to simplify their software development workflows and increase productivity. Cloud development environment (CDE) platforms offer a better way by providing preconfigured, remote environments accessible from anywhere, removing the need for local setup. 

This article will compare two popular platforms, Gitpod and GitHub Codespaces, and introduce DevZero as a better alternative.

What Is Gitpod?

Gitpod is an open-source cloud-based development environment that enables developers to code and collaborate without a local setup. Founded in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, it was designed to allow developers to work remotely. It uses prebuilt cloud container environments, offering a ready-to-go, browser-based coding experience.

Key Features

  • Development environments: Removes the need for local setup, allowing developers to use their preferred code editor such as VS Code, PyCharm, IntelliJ IDEA, Terminal, etc.
  • Integration with GitHub and GitLab: Allows a quick start from existing repositories, streamlining workflow.
  • Collaborative workspaces: Supports real-time collaboration and improves team productivity.
  • Customization: Provides flexibility to tailor the environment to specific project needs.

Gitpod: Pros and Limitations


  • Flexible and customizable: Ideal for projects with specific or complex environment requirements.
  • Open-source with active community: With over twelve thousand GitHub stars, Gitpod benefits from community-driven contributions and support.
  • Affordability: Because of its affordable pricing plans, it's preferred by individual developers and small teams on a budget.
  • Support for multiple Git platforms: Offers flexibility when choosing your preferred Git hosting service.
  • Self-hosting: Offers its users self-hosting support, allowing them to host their code on their preferred or existing cloud account.


  • Internet network issues: In areas or countries with poor network connectivity, developers might find it hard to use the workspace, leading to a poor user experience.
  • Less security compared to Codespaces: Although secure, it may not match the enterprise-grade security of GitHub-backed solutions.

What Is GitHub Codespaces?

Developed by GitHub, a version control company, Codespaces is a cloud-based development environment service integrated within the GitHub ecosystem. It provides a secure and simple development experience directly connected to your GitHub repositories.

Key Features

  • Integration with GitHub repositories and workflows: Offers a seamless transition between coding and other GitHub activities that enable collaboration.
  • Preconfigured development environments: Reduces setup time with ready-to-use environments for various programming languages and frameworks.
  • Advanced security features: Uses GitHub's security infrastructure, ensuring code and data protection.
  • Customization: Provides flexible customization to tailor the environment to specific project needs.

Codespaces: Pros and Limitations

An image of GitHub Codespaces workspace dashboard


  • Strong security features: Uses GitHub's security infrastructure, suitable for sensitive projects.
  • GitHub integration: Offers a streamlined experience for teams already using GitHub extensively.
  • Ease of use: Allows developers who host their code on their platform to easily write, edit, and test code online without opening a local setup.
  • Preconfigured environments: Provides a quick start with programming language templates such as Next.js, Python, Django, etc.


  • Limited customization options: Because GitHub developed it, customizations may be limited to prevent security exposure, thereby restricting your project environment requirements.
  • Higher cost for individuals and small teams: The pricing model suits organizations with dedicated development budgets.
  • Problems with internet networks: Developers may have difficulty accessing the workspace in areas or countries with weak network connections, resulting in a negative user experience.

Similarities: Gitpod vs. Codespaces

Gitpod and GitHub Codespaces share some similarities that make them good choices for developers. Both platforms offer the following:

  • Cloud-based development: Work from anywhere with an internet connection via an in-browser coding environment.
  • Local development support: Open your cloud-hosted code in your desktop code editor.
  • Instant setup with preconfigured environments: Reduced time spent on manual environment configuration thanks to preconfigured environments with set-up tools, dependencies, configurations, storage, and security, allowing developers to focus.
  • Collaboration features: A collaborative workspace environment for teamwork and pair programming. 
  • Customization options: Customizable workspaces.
  • Git integration: Integration with Git hosting platforms like GitHub and GitLab, simplifying the management of repositories, Git branches, pull requests, and project collaboration. 

Differences: Gitpod vs. GitHub Codespaces

Although Gitpod and GitHub Codespaces are similar, their underlying approaches and feature sets differ. 

DevZero: A Better Cloud Development Environment Alternative

While Gitpod and Codespaces offer valuable solutions, DevZero takes cloud development environments to the next level by taking a different approach and prioritizing the following:

Sophisticated Distributed Caching

DevZero's advanced caching system accelerates development workflows by storing and sharing build artifacts and dependencies across your team, reducing compile times and eliminating redundant downloads.

Unparalleled Developer Flexibility

The solution provides support for any IDE, user configuration, and third-party library. DevZero will adapt to your style if you bring your development environment, ensuring a familiar and efficient workflow.

First-Class Support for Resources

You can seamlessly integrate it with any virtualization, cloud resource, or third-party library. This allows developers to work with their preferred tools and services without limitations.

Burstable Compute and Storage

Instead of preconfigured resources, DevZero offers scalable resources that adapt to your needs, optimizing costs and performance. You only need to pay for what you use and can scale up during intensive tasks.

Secure Network Integration

You can connect your existing resources to DevZero's secure network without constant cloud policy changes. This ensures easy access to your databases, APIs, and services while maintaining security.

Production Symmetry

DevZero allows you to reuse existing configurations and artifacts to create development environments that closely mirror production, reducing deployment surprises and ensuring consistency across stages.

Flexible Deployment Options

Choose from SaaS, self-hosted, or on-premises deployment to fit your organization's needs and compliance requirements.

How to Choose the Right Cloud Development Environment: Gitpod vs. Codespaces vs. DevZero

Selecting the right cloud development environment is an important decision that can impact your project's success and your team's productivity. 

Here are some factors to consider:

1. Project Requirements

  • Complexity and tech stack: Assess whether your project needs a customizable environment like Gitpod or DevZero, or a preconfigured solution like Codespaces.
  • Required dependencies and tools: Make sure the platform supports all necessary libraries and integrations.

2. Team Collaboration

  • Team size and collaboration: Larger teams with frequent collaboration might benefit from DevZero's distributed caching and flexible workspaces.
  • Need for real-time editing and shared workspaces: All platforms offer collaboration features, but DevZero's flexibility provides a superior experience.

3. Security and Compliance

  • Sensitivity of your project data: For sensitive projects, consider Codespaces's GitHub-backed security or DevZero's secure network integration.
  • Industry-specific compliance requirements: Make sure the chosen platform meets necessary compliance standards.

4. Budget and Resources

  • Pricing models and available resources: Compare the cost-effectiveness of each platform, considering DevZero's burstable resources for optimized spending.
  • Scalability: Evaluate each platform's ability to scale with your project and team growth.

5. Integration

  • Existing tools and workflows: Choose a platform that integrates with your current development processes.
  • Preferred Git platforms: If you're not tied to GitHub, Gitpod or DevZero might offer more flexibility.

6. Customization Needs

  • Level of environment control required: For specialized environments, Gitpod and DevZero might be more suitable than Codespaces.
  • Specific tooling or configurations: Make sure the platform supports your required tools and allows necessary customizations.

7. Performance

  • Build and compile time requirements: Consider DevZero's distributed caching for significant performance improvements.
  • Need for distributed caching: If rapid builds and shared dependencies are important to you, DevZero has solid advantages.

Wrapping Up Gitpod vs. Codespaces

While Gitpod and GitHub Codespaces offer good cloud development solutions, DevZero stands out by addressing common problems and offering flexibility, performance, and scalability by providing sophisticated caching, developer flexibility, and production symmetry.

When choosing which cloud development environment platform to use, consider how DevZero's features align with your project needs and development workflow. Visit DevZero to learn more.

This post was written by Jethro Magaji. Jethro is a frontend engineer who’s passionate about the tech world and uses creative thinking to solve business problems with a user-centered approach.

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