
DevZero Platform v09302024: Bring-your-own-cloud, managing volumes and more

DevZero Volumes

Rob Fletcher

Co-Founder, COO

September 30, 2024

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  • BYOC: We’ve completed the stand-alone BYOC version of DevZero, which can be deployed on a user's laptop or an EC2 instance. This enables users to run their own instances with full flexibility and control, tailored to their specific infrastructure needs. Reach out to if you’re interested in trying our BYOC deployment of DevZero!
  • Audit Logs: We’ve added robust audit logging to provide better visibility and control across your environments. Audit logs now track every create, read, update, delete, and authentication action across workspaces, networks, recipes, volumes, and clusters. This allows you to monitor changes, enhance security, and streamline incident response. With detailed insights into all user activity, you can troubleshoot faster, ensure compliance, and maintain accountability across your engineering workflows.
  • Storage: We’ve introduced shared storage volumes, allowing users to expand storage capacity across their workspaces and share storage artifacts across their teams. Whether shared between workspaces or used individually, Users now have greater flexibility in managing their storage needs and can use these volumes to do things like shared build cache in a self-service manner.
  • Headless Clients with PATs: Personal Access Tokens (PATs) are now available to users through both the CLI and UI, offering greater transparency and control. This upgrade enables launching and connecting to DevZero workspaces in headless mode, allowing for fully automated workflows without human intervention. This is being used by a customer currently.
  • Launch Logs: We’ve added detailed launch logs, previously a gap in visibility, so users understand what is happening after a workspace is built and is being launched. Our logging UI is getting an overall in the coming weeks that’ll dramatically improve the usability and readability of logs-based interfaces.
  • Team-Wide Visibility: You now have full visibility into your team's activities across workspaces, volumes, and clusters. This update allows you to easily track how your team is utilizing the DevZero platform, giving you a clearer picture of resource usage and collaboration.
  • Exposing User & Team vClusters: Previously, Kubernetes clusters were created behind the scenes with limited visibility for users. Now, we’ve brought this functionality to the forefront, giving users direct control over the creation and management of their clusters. This empowers developers with greater flexibility and oversight in configuring and deploying their workspaces.

Public Network Capabilities: Responding to customer feedback, we’ve added the ability to share workspace access without authentication. You can now use our CLI to configure network settings that route web traffic directly to services running inside your workspace.

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