IDE SetupWeb Shell (using GoTTY)Setting up a web shell using GoTTY.There's a walkthrough video at the bottom of this page if you want to see how everything looks! version: "3" build: steps: - type: apt-get packages: [ "build-essential", "curl", "git", "nano", "software-properties-common", "ssh", "sudo", "tar", "unzip", "vim", "wget", "zip", ] - type: command command: | VERSION=v1.0.1 wget -O gotty.tar.gz$VERSION/gotty_linux_amd64.tar.gz tar -xvf gotty.tar.gz && rm -rf gotty.tar.gz mv gotty /usr/local/bin/gotty tee /etc/systemd/system/gotty.service > /dev/null <<EOL [Unit] Description=GoTTY Service [Service] # Starting GoTTY in a mode to allow writing to the shell from the browser, and opening up /bin/bash as default ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/gotty -w bash -l # Making GoTTY bind to port 7101 Environment="GOTTY_ADDRESS=" "GOTTY_PORT=7101" "TERM=xterm-256color" Restart=always # Making GoTTY session be for the devzero user (instead of `root`) User=devzero # The shell session will start at this directory WorkingDirectory=/home/devzero RestartSec=10 [Install] EOL # Enable the service so it starts on boot systemctl enable gotty.service user: root Walkthrough Video PreviousVisual Studio CodeNextVisual Studio