IDE SetupJetBrainsWebStormSetting up WebStorm to connect to DevZero workspaces.From the dz CLI dz workspace webstorm <workspace-name | workspace-id> Add to recipe Build StepComplete Recipe- type: command command: | IDE_HUMAN_NAME="WebStorm" IDE_NAME="webstorm" PRODUCT_CODE="WS" VMOPTIONS_FILE="webstorm64.vmoptions" if [ -d "/opt/ide/jetbrains/$IDE_NAME" ]; then print "$("Directory for $IDE_HUMAN_NAME exists, not taking any action")" exit 0 fi wget --quiet --output-document="/tmp/$IDE_NAME.tar.gz" "$PRODUCT_CODE&latest&distribution=linux" rm -rf /opt/ide/jetbrains/"$IDE_NAME"* mkdir -p "/opt/ide/jetbrains/$IDE_NAME" tar --strip-components=1 -xzf "/tmp/$IDE_NAME.tar.gz" -C "/opt/ide/jetbrains/$IDE_NAME" sed -i -E s/-Xmx.+/-Xmx8g/ "/opt/ide/jetbrains/$IDE_NAME/bin/$VMOPTIONS_FILE" sed -i -E s/-Xms.+/-Xms512m/ "/opt/ide/jetbrains/$IDE_NAME/bin/$VMOPTIONS_FILE" chmod g+w /etc/environment if ! grep -Fq "REMOTE_DEV_TRUST_PROJECTS" /etc/environment; then printf '\nREMOTE_DEV_TRUST_PROJECTS=1' | tee -a /etc/environment fi if ! grep -Fq "REMOTE_DEV_NON_INTERACTIVE" /etc/environment; then printf '\nREMOTE_DEV_NON_INTERACTIVE=1' | tee -a /etc/environment fi if id "devzero" &>/dev/null; then ## If the IDE is already installed this command echoes a message and returns exit code 1 bash -c "sudo su devzero bash -c \"/opt/ide/jetbrains/$IDE_NAME/bin/ registerBackendLocationForGateway\" || true " fi rm -rf "/tmp/$IDE_NAME.tar.gz" user: rootPreviousRubyMineNextSSH